Anyone else ready for a vacation?
Yeah, me too.
We’re still chugging along through our testing and trying to finish off the year strong, but also looking forward to the holidays.
I’m also just tired, and ready for a break. And it’s taken me a few years to realize that’s okay. In fact, it’s normal.
After all, we’re only human right?
I know this brand is called Solopreneur Grind, but the reality is that we can’t grind 24/7/365. At least, I can’t.
Are you feeling it now too?
In my case, a lot has happened this year, good and bad, and I’m proud of how far we’ve come. But the reality is that after a long grind of a year, we just get worn down and need some time to relax. To take some time off, stop working 8+ hour days and even spend time away from your business to relax, refresh and recharge.
Because if you just keep pushing for months and months, and never take a break, you’ll hit a wall.
The other reason why taking a proper break around this time of the year is great is because everyone else is taking time off anyway. So it’s hard to get stuff done. If you’re trying to grind out a few extra sales… you probably won’t be able to get people on calls or close on deals as easily.
So instead, embrace the recharge and rest up so you’re ready to crush 2023 and also have the energy to do it in full force.
Side note: if you just took the month of November off, or something similar, then maybe this doesn’t apply. But if you’ve been grinding most of the year, believe it or not, your business will. probably benefit in the long run from you taking some time to relax.
At least, that’s just my thinking.
Anyway, back to business, yesterday I had a very promising call with a potential partner for Visto – one of my dream partners.
I’ve been thinking about them for a while, and nothing is set in stone by any means, but it was a good first step.
It made me realize, yet again, the absolute key to making productive in-roads with companies. These could be companies to partner with, sell to, network with, anything. There’s one tried and true way to getting in quicker, and giving yourself the best chance at success.
And that, my friends, is through a warm intro.
Not hating on doing cold outreach (calls, emails, etc.). They can and do work. But if you’re looking to make quicker, more effective connections into certain companies, warm intros are always worth it.
If you can find someone you know, who knows someone at a target company and they can introduce you, it will immediately increase your chances of that intro being effective.
Or of that person even responding in the first place…
So if you’re struggling in any way to connect with a person or company or partner, look them up on LinkedIn and try to find some mutual connections to work your way in through a warm intro.
Have a great day, hope you’re taking some time off to recharge and keep grinding.